Tuesday, October 11, 2005
My lame blog meets real bloggers
I got a chance to meet former Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi and Daily Kos blogger Markos Moulitsas on Friday and had a chance to chat a little bit.

It was, in some way, full circle. Two Januaries ago, I was in Iowa during the caucuses, knocking on doors in near zero degree weather for the Dean campaign. I had a friend that worked on the campaign and, it being the beginning of school, I decided to take up an offer to hop on a bus and sleep in a crowded hotel room in Dubuque, Iowa.

Anyway, I was introduced to Mr. Trippi and my introducer mentioned I had been in Iowa. One of the staffers asked if I had gotten a hat.

I had. It's still in my room in Wisconsin Rapids.

It was a great experience as one who has a particular interest in the convergence of technology and politics. The Internet eliminates old transaction costs of collecting donations (putting small donations back into play), and bloggers have filled a niche among (and, as some would argue, helped to undermine) an increasingly timid traditional media.
Just a thing: your parenthetical expression "(and, as some would...undermine)" isn't really parenthetical. Saying "...filled a niche an increasingly timid traditional media," doesn't really make a lot of sense.

As you are aware, I find this entire situation Kos, Trippi, etc., more than a little enviable.

Furthermore...maybe I'm actually a spambot 'cause it's been increasingly difficult to pick out the letters on the word verification box.
I just woke up, reread the post and caught the error, then read your comment. It's now fixed.

Mind you that, when I wrote this, I was very tired.

Furthermore...maybe I'm actually a spambot 'cause it's been increasingly difficult to pick out the letters on the word verification box.

Maybe it's more that you're a big whining baby. Those are some of the easiest CAPTCHAs I've ever seen.

wow, i can get maybe half of those. and they're not even supposed to be puzzles!

i now have a new appreciation for the very obvious bgqfld
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